Printing My Recipes


1. There is a convenient Print Friendly icon at the bottom of each recipe.  It is the little printer icon just to the left of the red  Pinterest icon.  I know the hover-over message says “Click to Share” but it really means “Click to Print”.  Some programmer at WordPress designed the theme I use here and sadly I have no control over the script wording.   However, the print feature WORKS like a champ!  When you click that little icon, a Print Friendly window opens up.  You can change the size of the print, eliminate photo images and even eliminate entire lines and paragraphs of text from the print job.  I love that part.  🙂

2.  If that doesn’t work for some reason (Print Friendly software could be incompatible with your printer drivers), you can always do a File, Print from your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome).  Click File up on the toolbar and then click Print. I recommend specifying on your printer’s popup screen you want to just print pages 1-2, to avoid getting bunches of reader comments.  What can I say, browsers don’t know when to stop.  LOL

3.  If that doesn’t work, you can always do a Windows Copy and Paste of the recipe onto a blank page in Microsoft Word or Notepad and print the recipe from there.

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