Oven-Fried Eggplant


If you love eggplant like we love eggplant, this method of cooking it will quickly become  a favorite way to prepare this vegetable.  No standing over a skillet of hot grease. This recipe is DELICIOUS, easy and is Atkins Induction friendly as well!  Could you ask for anymore?  It’s quite a bit lower in fat cooked this way, as eggplant will notoriously soak up fat in a skillet like a sponge.  Not that low-carbers worry much about fat intake.  Just sayin’.  🙂

More delicious low-carb recipes can be at your fingertips with your very own set of Jennifer Eloff and friends’ best-selling cookbooks LOW CARBING AMONG FRIENDS.  She has collaborated with famous low-carb Chef George Stella and several other talented cooks to bring you a wealth of delicious recipes you are going to want to try.  Even a few of my recipes are in her cookbooks! Order yours TODAY! (the set or available individually) from Amazon or: http://amongfriends.us/order.php

INGREDIENTS: 12 oz. eggplant

4 T. my homemade mayo

6 T. Parmesan Cheese

¼ tsp. my Seafood Spice Blend (or seasoning of your choice)

VARIATION:  For a crunchier eggplant, use only 3 T. Parmesan and add 2 oz. finely crushed pork rinds.

With pork rinds added

With pork rinds added

DIRECTIONS:  Preheat oven to 450º.  Use a non-stick sheet pan or oil your sheet pan with olive oil.  Trim stem/end off eggplant.  Cut into 1/4″-3/8″ slices.  Mix spice blend into Parmesan cheese in a dish.   Brush one side of one eggplant slice at a time with mayo.  Coat that side with Parmesan (I use the kind in the can for this recipe) by holding the very edge of the slice over a paper plate with the cheese, dipping and sprinkling the one side, letting excess fall back into the paper plate.  I place the slices cheese-coated side down onto the oiled pan.  Then I brush the other sides all at once and sprinkle the remaining cheese carefully onto the slices.  I find this conserves cheese for the second sides.  If I just dip the slices into the cheese both sides, I run out of cheese EVERY time!   Bake in a hot oven (450º) for about 10 minutes, until nicely browned on bottoms.  Flip the pieces over and bake 10 more minutes.

NUTRITIONAL INFO: Serves 4, each serving contains:

183 cals, 15g fat, 5.5g carbs, 2.9g fiber, 2.6g NET CARBS, 8g protein, 121 mg  sodium

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