Peach Ice Cream

Peach Ice Cream

Peach Ice Cream

With just ½ pack of frozen peaches in my freezer you can make low carb peach ice cream!   Peach is one of my all-time favorite ice cream flavors.  As frozen peaches don’t have the  flavor intensity of fresh peaches, I had to “punch up the flavor” a bit with almond extract, but the final ice cream came out super yummy!  It was very scoopable after being in the freezer overnight.  I’ll have to report back on how hard it got after another 24 hours in the freezer.   Remember, as ice cream freezes it expands and a little extra air is incorporated into it during the spinning/freezing.  So depending on the size of your ice-cream maker, you may have to freeze this large recipe in two batches to avoid overflow during the process, so don’t overfill your machine past the fill level recommended for your particular machine! All the unusual ingredients are used to enhance smoothness and to reduce ice crystals, keeping the ice cream from getting rock hard, often seen in low-carb ice creams, caused by artificial sweeteners being used in lieu of real sugar.  I order these special ingredients from

If you don’t have an ice-cream maker and freeze in a bowl or lidded container, this recipe will only yield about 10 half-cup servings.  If you use an ice-cream maker, it will fluff up or expand to about 12 half-cup servings.  There’s about 1.5 more net carbs per serving if not done in the ice-cream machine, because of the extra incorporated air and resulting expansion that occurs in the machine.

Because this is made with so much heavy cream, it is not suitable until you are in OWL (Ongoing Weight Loss phase).

NOTE:  It did get a little harder on day 3, so you might want to only make half a recipe so it will likely be consumed in 1-2 days max.

More delicious low-carb recipes can be at your fingertips with your very own set of Jennifer Eloff and friends’ best-selling cookbooks LOW CARBING AMONG FRIENDS.  She has collaborated with famous low-carb Chef George Stella and several other talented chefs to bring you a wealth of delicious recipes you are going to want to try.  Even a few of my recipes are in her cookbooks! Order your 5-volume set TODAY! (available individually) from Amazon or:

DISCLAIMER: I do not get paid for this book promotion or for the inclusion of my recipes therein.  I do so merely because they are GREAT cookbooks any low-carb cook would be proud to add to their cookbook collection.


1/3 c. powdered erythritol

1/3 c. granular Splenda

3½ c. heavy cream

½ c. water

8 egg yolks

1 c. frozen or fresh peach slices, chopped fine or pureed

2½ tsp. almond extract

Few drops vanilla

1 tsp. food grade glycerine (I order at

3 pkts. stevia (I use SweetLeaf)

Sprinkle of salt

1 T. polydextrose (or 2 tsp. more glycerine)

Optional, a couple drops red and yellow food coloring to render the peach color.

DIRECTIONS:  Process the erythritol and Splenda in a food processor or blender until very fine, almost powder.  Add stevia, polydextrose and salt.   Pulse a couple times to blend.

Now mix the cream and water in a large saucepan and scald (little bubbles around the edges only) over medium heat but remove before it comes to a full boil.  Set aside.

Now add egg yolks and peaches to the dry ingredients in the processor and pulse to whip it all together.  Add a little of the scalded cream to the processor and pulse.  Do this 2-3 times to raise the temperature of the egg slowly.  Now add remaining cream and process a few seconds to blend the mixture well.  Return the entire mixture to the saucepan and over medium heat, stirring constantly, heat for 3-4 minutes just to fully cook the egg.  DO NOT ALLOW IT TO COME TO RAPID BOIL.  Stir in the glycerine.  Cover and chill in the refrigerator (or freezer if not using an ice-cream maker) until very cold.  Transfer to ice cream maker (may require two batches of freezing in your machine) and follow your regular machine instructions to freeze.   Transfer to your lidded storage container and serve when it has reached desired firmness or serve at once if soft-serve is what you wish.

NUTRITIONAL INFO:  Makes about twelve ½ c. (2 small scoops) servings if done in ice cream maker.  Each will contain:

301 calories, 29 g  fat, 8.88 g  carbs, 1.18 g  fiber, 7.7 NET CARBS, 3.35 g  protein, 46 mg sodium


12 thoughts on “Peach Ice Cream

    1. No, but your ice cream will be denser without the air the machines incorporate into it. It’ll freeze in metal loaf pans nicely. I like to freeze it in silicone muffin pans and pop them into a dish when ready to eat. 🙂

    1. It’s about a teaspoon total volume, but part of that is the bulking agent to prevent clumping. If you using pure stevia, I wouldn’t know the actual amount. I always recommend tasting as you add sweeteners slowly. Then you don’t have to worry about the variances between them.

  1. I wondered about that–I made a batch of vanilla ice cream that was wonderful right out of the ice cream freezer, but then it turned into a brick!

    1. Sadly, most low carbers I chat with on-line say that is usually does get hard over time in the freezer, no matter what the recipe. It’s the real sugar that keeps it soft really. So artificial sweeteners just can’t do that. I’ve often wondered if 1-2 T. real honey would accomplish “soft”, but that jacks the carbs up pretty high. So I’m just making the amount I need to consume that occasion so none goes in the freezer. Eating ice cream all up real fast definitely works for me! 🙂

      1. Not certain that this would meet everyone’s health requirements, however adding 1/2c of Rum or Vodka to the mixture will slow the hardening of ice creams that are put into the freezer. (Alcohol doesn’t freeze) Just include it as the last ingredient to the chilled cream mixture, right before you pour it into the ice cream maker.

    1. Despite the 8 yolks, polyD and glycerine, it’s still gotten hard on day 3 in the freezer. Definitely not ice cream Nirvana yet, but a tasty interim step. But I doggedly persist with this artificial sweetener/ice cream “issue”, and it has now surpassed biscuits as a “sore point” with me in the kitchen. LOL

  2. Oh my, Peggy! This looks wonderful. I really think I’ll have to pull out my ice cream maker. Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes with us! 🙂


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