Tuna-Cauli Cakes

Cheesie Tuna-Cauli Cakes

Tuna-Cauli Cakes

These came about for lunch today from a lone half cup of leftover buttered, steamed cauliflower.  I added one of the small 2.5-oz pouches of tuna, some Smoked Gouda cheese and a bit of onion and VOILA!  A delicious lunch!  That’s sauteed kale (cooked exactly 1 minute in bacon grease) on the side of the plate.  The sliced steamed carrots were good with these, too!  These tuna cakes are simply DELICIOUS!  Of course, you can sub in other cheeses, but the Smoked Gouda really makes these different and quite special. Smoked Cheddar would be just as good in this recipe, I believe.  I’ll be making this recipe regularly with leftover dabs of cauliflower from now on.  Such a tasty way to keep from wasting event he smallest amounts of pricey vegetables.  This is suitable for all phases of Atkins if you use flax meal in lieu of the small amount of low-carb breadcrumbs.

More delicious low-carb recipes can be at your fingertips with your very own set of Jennifer Eloff and friends’ best-selling cookbooks LOW CARBING AMONG FRIENDS.  She has collaborated with famous low-carb Chef George Stella and several other talented cooks to bring you a wealth of delicious recipes you are going to want to try.  Even a few of my recipes are in the cookbooks! Order your 5-volume set TODAY! (also available individually) from Amazon or: http://amongfriends.us/order.php

DISCLAIMER: By personal choice, I do not get paid for this book promotion or for the inclusion of my recipes therein.  I do so merely because they are GREAT cookbooks any low-carb cook would be proud to add to their cookbook collection. 


2.5 oz.  tuna  (I use oil-pack)

3 oz. Smoked Gouda cheese, shredded

2/3 c. leftover steamed cauliflower, mashed with a fork

1 medium green onion, chopped fine

2 T. low-carb bread, crumbed (or 1 T. flax meal)

1 large egg, beaten

Dash black pepper

Dash Cajun spice blend or my Seafood Spice Blend

1 T. coconut oil (or your preferred oil) for frying

DIRECTIONS:  Mix all ingredients but the coconut oil in a medium bowl.  Stir well with a spoon.  Heat the coconut oil in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat These are inclined to stick to the pan, so do not flip them to side two until they have browned well on the first side, and don’t over handle them with your spatula.  Section off the mixture into 6 equal portions in your bowl. Dip 1/6 of the mixture up and drop onto the hot pan, spreading into a 2½” patties.  When the first side is browned nicely for all the cakes, flip them quickly and carefully.  Brown the second side and when done, transfer to serving plate.  Serve hot with green veggies or a nice green salad.

NUTRITIONAL INFO:    Makes 6 tuna cakes, each contains approximately (varies slightly with your personal choice of low-carb bread or flax):

118.5 calories

9.16 g  fat

2.31 g  carbs, 1.11 g  fiber, 1.2 g  NET CARBS

7.65 g  protein

325 mg sodium

7 thoughts on “Tuna-Cauli Cakes

    1. They really were! They’re very soft when real hot, but firm up as they begin to cool off. It’s all the cheese in them. But that’s what made them so delicious!

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