Peggy’s Bulletproof Tea

Bulletproof Earl Gray Tea

                 Bulletproof Earl Gray Tea

This one is for you hot tea lovers out there.  I have long put coconut oil, cream and sweetener in coffee.  But two months ago, I ditched coffee for tea so I could start consuming fewer and less-frequent dairy products.  One morning not long ago I decided to see what coconut oil tasted like in hot tea.  Malheureusement, I discovered I was out of regular tea bags, but had lots of Earl Gray tea on hand.  So I thought, what the heck and brewed up a small pot.  I spooned in a dab of coconut oil a pinch of my pure stevia and MAN, was that ever good!  I love this so much I decided I just had to share it with my readers!  I’ve been drinking it every morning (and some afternoons) ever since I made this tasty discovery.   I’m totally addicted.  Not quite the classic “bulletproof coffee ” recipe circulating the internet, but kind of similar, thus the name.  🙂  This recipe is so good for you as we low-carbers know well that coconut oil has so MANY health benefits.  And the aromatic flavors blended just seemed to complement each other!

Many delicious low-carb recipes like this one can be at your fingertips with your very own cookbooks from LOW CARBING AMONG FRIENDS, by Jennifer Eloff and low-carb friends.  Chef George Stella also brings you a wealth of delicious recipes you will love!  Order yours TODAY! from Amazon or our direct order site: DISCLAIMER: I do not accept payment for this book promotion. I promote the books because they are great cookbooks anyone would be proud to add to their cookbook collection.


1 sachet/bag of Earl Gray tea (or 2 tsp. loose tea leaves in an infuser)

1 tsp. extra virgin coconut oil

Pinch pure stevia (or sweetener of choice to taste)

DIRECTIONS:  Bring a kettle of water to boil over high heat.   Place tea bag in a tea pot.  You can alternately use loose tea leaves in a infuser.  Pour boiling water over the tea to fill a 3-cup teapot.  Place lid on pot and steep tea for just 1-2 minutes.  Longer really isn’t necessary.  Serve each cup of tea with 1 tsp. coconut oil melted on top.  If desired, use your favorite sweetener to taste.  ENJOY!  🙂

NUTRITIONAL INFO:  Makes 3 cup of tea, each contains:

41 calories

3.4 g fat

0.42 g carbs, 0.0 g fiber, 0.42 g NET CARBS

0.0 g protein

0 sodium

2 thoughts on “Peggy’s Bulletproof Tea

  1. If you have one of those little coffee frothers it will emulsify the coconut oil in the tea and enhance the flavor and drinkability. Not everyone likes a skim of oil on their tea.

    1. Don’t have one. Thanks for the tip for other readers, though. Actually, the floating oil doesn’t bother me on tea or coffee.

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