Toasted Coconut Candy

I try to incorporate coconut oil into my diet every single day as it has so many health benefits.  The ever popular Fat Bombs all over the internet gave me this idea.    What a delicious way to boost one’s intake of coconut oil!   I keep these at the ready in the freezer.   They can eaten right from the freezer, as they don’t get completely hard.  These are so good it can be tricky just eating ONE!   This candy reminds me a lot of those tiny, rich butter mints I had as a child, only these are cherry-coconut-almond flavored!  Mmmmm So good!

This recipe is not suitable for Atkins Induction.  Wait until you get to the nuts and seeds level of Atkins Phase 2 for these tasty babies.


8 oz. softened cream cheese

¼ c. (1 oz.) desiccated, unsweetened coconut

¼ c. (1 oz.) desiccated, unsweetened coconut, TOASTED

½ c. coconut oil

1 oz. roasted almonds, ground coarsely

1 tsp. almond extract (makes the candy extra special)

3 T. coconut flour

¼ c. powdered erythritol (I powder in my food processor)

¼-½ tsp. liquid sweetener of your choice (add slowly & taste as you go)

Tiny pinch of salt

DIRECTIONS:  Toast ¼ cup coconut on a pan in a 400º oven for 5-6 minutes or until just golden.  Remove and cool.  Line an 8×11 pan with waxed paper large enough to hang over the side a bit, so you’ll have something to grab onto when this is set.   I speak from experience when I caution you to watch that coconut closely in the oven lest it burn.  I’ve burned several batches in my time getting distracted in the kitchen.  So I have learned to not start my recipes until the coconut has been safely removed from the oven.  🙂

In a mixing bowl, whip the soft cream cheese with a rubber spatula.  Add both the toasted and untoasted coconut, as well as the chopped almonds.  Stir well.  Next add the  salt, coconut flour, erythritol, almond extract and liquid sweetener (taste as you begin adding to avoid  getting too sweet).    Add the coconut oil last.  Beat well to make your best attempt to incorporate the oil into the candy.  When it is as blended as best you can get it, scrape it out onto the wax-paper lined pan.  Using your spatula or hands, spread the candy out evenly.  Some of the oil will rise to the top, but that’s OK, as it freezes and isn’t really seen or noticed on the finished candy.  Place pan on a level shelf/surface in your freezer 4-5 minutes.  Remove and cut into 48 pieces (6×8).  Return to the freezer for 30 minutes.  Remove and separate the pieces by lifting the waxed paper up and bending them apart.  This will melt/soften quickly, so do not leave it out of the freezer ahead of consuming.  Just take out what you are eating immediately.

NUTRITIONAL INFO:    Makes 48 pieces that are about 1¼” square.  Each piece contains:

51.4 cals, 5.11 g fat, 1.06 g carbs, 0.6 g fiber, 0.46 NET CARBS, 0.72 g protein

2 thoughts on “Toasted Coconut Candy

  1. I thought Fiberfit was removed fromthe marketplace. I loved it and have been unable to find a decent substitute. Any suggestions?Thanks,Janet

    Sent from AOL on Android

    1. Yes, I believe it is off the market now. This is one of my older recipes. I would use your liquid sweetener of choice, tasting as you go to determine the correct amount. Either liquid Splenda or stevia will sub in nicely.

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