Mushroom-Hemp Heart Pilaf

This recipe came about when I received my first order of  Zeroodle brand Shirataki (Rice Shape) “noodles” with Oat Fiber.  I swear by oat fiber.  It brings so much flour taste to baked goods; to shirataki noodles, it brings an improved opacity and texture.  Plus this type of shirataki does not have any of the off-putting rubber band smelling packaging water! The water these come in is odorless.  That’s a triple win in my book!  I like these MUCH better than tofu shirataki noodles, heretofore my favorite low-carb noodle substitute.  When cooked up with the right ingredients, these seem very similar to a classic risotto or rice pilaf/cous-cous dish.

My recipe’s inspiration was Barbo’s recipe for Mushroom Miracle Risotto posted recently on Low Carb Neighborhood forums.  Her recipe is more of a classic Italian risotto with cream and Parmesan cheese for richness.  Mine is more of a typical rice pilaf with a secret spice ingredient, as I wanted it to serve this alongside a delicious grilled Steelhead trout we did tonight. I can see this “risotto” being a great side for wild game or fowl.  I will be trying that application real soon!

I introduced hemp hearts to my pilaf for a slightly nuttier taste and some parsley, as I love it in such things.  I also threw in a bit of my Seafood Spice Blend so it would compliment the grilled fish we had tonight.   Man, was this mélange ever tasty!!  Even my picky husband, who doesn’t like shirataki noodles at all, loved this pilaf with the grilled fish!  He gave me the green light to fix this again any old time!

Our latest three volumes of LOW CARBING AMONG FRIENDS cookbooks are calling you. Volume 8 and Volume 9 are almost exclusively comprised of my recipes! Included in both editions are a few tasty new creations of my dear friends George Stella and Jennifer Eloff.   Volume 10 is hot off the press with more delectable goodies. Special prices going on right now as all proceeds are going to help team leader Jen pay off some big medical bills resulting from cancer surgery. Hurry and place your order today for one or more of our cookbooks at or at Amazon. After your book(s) arrive, and you’ve had an opportunity to try a recipe, do stop by and leave a review at Amazon here.


2 T. unsalted butter

5 large mushrooms, chopped coarsely

½ c. green onion, chopped

2 T. parsley, chopped

½-1 clove garlic

1/8-¼ tsp. my Seafood Spice Blend

¼ tsp. sea salt

¼ tsp. coarse black pepper

¼ c. + 2 T. hemp hearts

14.11 oz. pkg. Zeroodle brand Shirataki Rice Shape with Oat Fiber

DIRECTIONS:  Pour shirataki rice into strainer and rinse with cold water.  Set aside.  In a medium skillet, melt the butter over medium high heat and saute chopped mushrooms, green onion, garlic and parsley.  Add salt, pepper and Seafood Spice Blend (linked above).  Saute 2-3 minutes. Now add in the drained shirataki rice and the hemp hearts.  Stir-fry a couple more minutes and serve at once.   Doesn’t get any easier!

NUTRITIONAL INFO:  Makes 4 servings, each contains:

51 cals, 12.4g fat, 7.82g carbs, 6.22g fiber, 1.6g NET CARBS, 8.3g protein, 156 mg sodium

2 thoughts on “Mushroom-Hemp Heart Pilaf

  1. Peggy, where do you buy the shirataki “rice” with the oat fiber? On Amazon, I can find only the penne with the oat fiber.

    Thank you for all you share with us!

    Ouida Lampert

    1. I ordered mine at There may be other sources as well. I ordered some of the penne last order and for some odd reason, am not as fond of the penne shape (mouth/chew texture), so I plan on pulsing it into “rice” in my food processor when I use it. I can’t imagine it won’t work done this way. 🙂

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