Indian Cauliflower

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Took me awhile researching on the internet to find out what the black seeds often seen in this dish in restaurants were, but diligence was rewarded in the end.  They are nigella seeds, which go by a variety of other names as well.  The resulting experiment  came out pretty close in flavor to the dish served in many Indian restaurants, so I’m quite pleased.  We served it with charbroiled chicken we had marinated in a Tandoori seasoning I just got out of an Indian cookbook.   The spices are available in a bottle from Middle Eastern or Indian groceries, but as there isn’t where I live, I must order my exotic spices from Penzey’s on-line.  This is an Atkins Induction suitable recipe also OK for other ketogenic lifestyles.


1 whole cauliflower (about 16 oz.)

½ stick butter

½ tsp. whole cumin seed

¼ tsp. ground cumin

1 tsp. finely minced, peeled ginger root

1 tsp. black or brown mustard seed (totally different from yellow variety).

½ tsp. nigella seeds.

¼ tsp. cayenne pepper


Cut cauliflower into fairly large chunks.  Place in a steamer over ½-1″ water and steam until just barely tender (10 minutes or less).

In a separate skillet, melt butter and saute all spices until they are fragrant and mustard seeds begin to pop.   When cauliflower is just tender, lift out of steamer and toss into the spice mixture.  Stir to coat cauliflower well with buttery spices.  Serve with Middle Eastern foods or Indian curries.

NUTRITIONAL INFO:  Serves 4.  Each 4 oz. servings has:

136 cals, 12 g fat, 6.7 g carbs, 3.05 g fiber, 3.65 g NET CARBS, 2.68 g protein, 36.5 mg  sodium

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