Creamed Brussels Sprouts

We low carbers are perhaps more open to the notion of trying new recipes for vegetables because they make up the majority of our eating plant.  We all talk about our love of creamed spinach, but did you ever think about creaming Brussels Sprouts?  Well I did last night and WOW!  So glad I had this idea, as it took this vegetable I’ve never liked much to a whole new level.  I have always found Brussels sprouts to be bitter (and I love cabbage, so go figure!).  Creaming them solves my bitterness dislike of this vegetable.    

My husband’s response with “Be sure to put this one on your blog!”  It was not only the rich creaminess, but the bit of Parmesan, bacon and onion that took this one over the top!  This recipe is suitable for all phases of Atkins, Keto diets and Primal blueprint.  The dairy makes this unsuitable for Paleo.


3 thick slices bacon, chopped coarse

4 oz. red onion (or yellow), chopped coarsely

1 lb. fresh Brussels sprouts (or frozen)

2 oz. cream cheese

½ c. heavy cream

2 T. Parmesan grated cheese

DIRECTIONS:  Preheat oven to 350º.  Cut stems off sprouts and slice each into ½” slices.  Place in ceramic dish with 1/2″ water and microwave 1 minute, stir and then 1 min. longer.  Remove from microwave (all water will be evaporated, or discard any water left in the dish).  Set aside. 

In a skillet over high heat fry bacon until browning.  Add onion and sauté until tender.  Lower heat and add cream cheese to melt and blend in evenly.  Add cream.  Now toss in sprouts and toss gently.  Grease the baking dish you used before.  Pour the sprout mixture into the dish.  Sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese.  Pop the dish into a 350º oven and bake 15 minutes to allow flavors to blend.  Serve at once.

NUTRITIONAL INFO:  Makes 6 servings, each contains:

154 cals, 11.8g fat, 8.85g carbs, 3.06g fiber, 5.79g NET CARBS, 7.3g protein, 121 mg sodium


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