Beef & Bacon Stuffed Squash

This delicious dish is so rich and creamy you’re going to love it!  Not a lot of ingredients but a nice combination of flavors in this one.  This recipe is suitable for all phases of Atkins, Keto diets, and Primal diets.


1½ c. cooked spaghetti squash threads (I used a 6″ squash which was perfect.)

2 slices thick bacon, chopped coarsely

10 oz. ground beef (I used 90% lean grass-fed)

3/4 tsp. Victoria Gourmet No-Salt Lemon Pepper

2 large green onions, chopped

2 oz. (4 T.) cream cheese

¼ c. shredded mozzarella cheese

VARIATION: Use other seasonings (Italian, Cajun).  I have made these with Montreal Steak Seasoning and I can vouch that one is super good!

DIRECTIONS:  Cut squash in half lengthwise and invert in a shallow dish with a little water.  Microwave on HI for 13 minutes. Remove and fork out the threads into a waiting bowl, being careful so as not to tear the outer shells that will become their own “bowl”.  You will only be using 1½ c. of the threads.  Reserve the rest for another use.

In a non-stick skillet or wok over high heat, fry the bacon.  When partially cooked, add the beef, breaking it up with your spoon as you cook the two completely until completely done.  Add the seasoning you have chosen and the green onions.  Just sauté until onion is slightly softened.  Add the cream cheese and stir until it is uniformly melted and blended with the meat mixture.  Remove from heat.  Spoon the meat mixture onto the spaghetti squash threads and stir to blend well.   Spoon half the mixture into each empty squash shell.  Sprinkle 2 T. mozzarella shreds over each filled squash half.  Pop into 350º oven for around 20 minutes or until cheese is melted on top and slightly beginning to brown.  Serve at once with a salad or green veggie.

NUTRITIONAL INFO:   Makes 2 adult servings, each contains:

627 cals, 43.6g fat, 10.8g carbs, 2.25g fiber, 8.55g NET CARBS, 46.2g protein, 1100 mg sodium (in the bacon)

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