Hungarian “Apple” Pastry

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When I was in high school in Kansas, my best friend (also named Peggy) often had me over for dinner (we were neighbors).  Her mother was a former stage actress from Budapest who married an American Army officer during WWII.  To say her mother was a good cook would be a gross understatement.  Dinner at my friend’s house was quite the culinary experience, and as my parents were quite into gourmet cooking, I felt my ability to judge good food was well-honed by high school.

This wonderful apple dessert was like her signature dessert and it has since become a family favorite holiday dessert.  She gave my mother the recipe and I have cherished it ever since.  I have now reworked it for a low-carb lifestyle, using an entirely different crust.  I have also low carbed the filling.   The original recipe is made with all apples, a few raisins and the original crust had 1c. sour cream!  To be more authentic, you could go ahead and use sour cream for the cream called for in my pie crust below without much of a hike in carbs.  🙂  I have omitted the raisins entirely and have made mine with mostly chayote squash, with only one apple for flavor impact.  These bars definitely improve in flavor on day 2 as the rum mellows considerably overnight.

Just so I would know for myself, I worked up the nutritional numbers for making this with 5 small apples and no chayote squash and provide that info below for anyone interested in making this with all apples.  Doing so ups the carbs approximately 2 carbs per bar, which isn’t that bad a price for all apples, really.  🙂  For the holidays, I will definitely make this with all apples.  But the chayote/apple combo wasn’t bad and I would consider doing it this way again.

I hear zucchini makes a wonderful apple sub, but its moisture content in a pastry worries me a little, so I haven’t tried that apple sub yet.  I absolutely do not think this would be good with ALL chayote squash.

This dish should not be enjoyed until late in Atkins Phase 2 OWL due to the rum and apples.  I store my bars in an airtight container in the bottom of my fridge.  To be honest, they don’t usually last long enough to worry about freezing!  I’ve never frozen any of my low-carb pastries, so I don’t know how they’d freeze.

Chayote Squash (also called mirletons)

Chayote Squash (also called mirletons)


2  recipes Peggy’s “Flour” Pie Crust   (for gluten free, use your favorite gluten-free pie crust recipe)

1/3 c. granular Splenda (or equivalent sweetener of your choice)

2 chayote squash, peeled and sliced ¼-3/8″ thick

1 small delicious apple (2½” diameter), peeled and sliced ¼” thick

3/4 c. pecans, chopped

2 T. rum

1 T. fresh lemon juice

lemon zest of 1 lemon

3/4 c. granular erythritol (or equivalent sweetener of your choice)

2½ tsp. cinnamon

3 egg whites, beaten to frothy/soft peaks

DIRECTIONS:   You need a 8½” x 11½” baking pan for this recipe.  Preheat oven to 350º.  Make the double recipe of pie crust dough per that recipe’s instructions, adding the 1/3 c. Splenda to the mixture.   When pastry is kneaded into a solid ball of dough, form a log and break apart into 60% and 40% (bottom crust takes a little more dough than the top crust).

BOTTOM CRUST:  Take the larger piece of dough, shape in a rough log and place between two pieces plastic.  Roll out dough into a rectangle the size of the pan’s bottom plus the depth of the sides.  Dough will be fairly thin but still manageable.  The dough must be large enough go up the sides of the pan completely to the top and over the edge in order not to fall when baked.     Peel top plastic off carefully and fold in half/lift pastry into the pan.  Adjust pastry to fit.  Carefully remove second piece of plastic and fit pastry well into the walls and corners of the pan without tearing.  Allow pastry to lay over the top edge of the pan to “hold on” and not fall inward during baking.  Prick pastry with a fork at 2″ intervals to avoid it bubbling up during baking.  Bake for 10-12 minutes in a preheated 350º oven just begins to lightly brown.  Remove and cool while you make the filling.

FILLING:  Peel and slice chayote squash and microwave covered on HI for 8-10 minutes until soft.  Peel apple and place in bowl with chayote. Beat egg whites in a separate bowl with electric hand mixer until thick (thick and frothy/soft peaks).  Add nuts, rum, lemon juice and zest, erythritol and cinnamon to the apple/squash mixture and then fold in the beaten egg whites until the fruit and nuts are well-moistened.  Using a rubber spatula, scrape the filling into the half-baked crust.  Spread as evenly as possible, pushing up into corners of pastry.  Level the apples and squash pieces so no pointy bits are sticking up as they may tear the top pastry.  I’ve had that happen before.

TOP CRUST:  Roll the remaining ball of dough between the two plastic sheets, rolling it into a rectangle just a tiny bit larger than the top of the pan. Peel off top plastic and fold up/lift gently onto the filling, being sure the edges are fitting over the bottom crust.  Crimp the top crust onto the bottom crust with your fingers to seal it well.     Pop into hot 350º oven for about 22-25 minutes or until golden brown on the edges and done in the center.  Dough will be a tiny bit soft but dry to the touch.  It will look like the final product below/right when done.  Cool completely before slicing and refrigerating.

More delicious low-carb desert recipes can be at your fingertips with your very own set of Jennifer Eloff and friends’ best-selling cookbooks LOW CARBING AMONG FRIENDS.  She has collaborated with famous low-carb Chef George Stella and several other talented chefs to bring you a wealth of delicious recipes you are going to want to try.  Even a few of my recipes are in her cookbooks! Order your 5-volume set TODAY! (also available individually) from Amazon or here:

DISCLAIMER: I do not get paid for this book promotion or for the inclusion of my recipes therein.  I do so merely because they are GREAT cookbooks any low-carb cook would be proud to add to their cookbook collection

NUTRITIONAL INFO:  Makes 24 bars/servings, each containing:

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74.14 calories

6.43 g  fat

7.1 g  carbs, 5.33 g fiber, 1.77 NET CARBS

2.68 g  protein

61.33 mg sodium

40% RDA copper, 22% iron, 29% manganese

FOR THE CURIOUS:  With all apple filling, using 5 small 2½” apples:  93 calories, 7.5g fat, 10.06 g  carbs, 6.36 g  fiber, 3.7 net carbs

10 thoughts on “Hungarian “Apple” Pastry

  1. I made a half batch of this tonight with adaptations to match what I had on hand, and I put it in my silicone cupcake holders with just a bottom crust. It came out quite good, even though I missed a few of the instructions along the way. LOL. 2 years later your recipes are still getting good use 🙂

    1. Well we do have to get creative when we lack ingredients, but that often results in a pleasant surprise. Glad these came out for you! I decided my Christmas treat to myself this year is going to be to make them with all apples. Haven’t done that in years. They’re ever so good with all apples, even if a little carb-y. 🙂

  2. Peggy, what is chayote squash, & what can I use instead if I can’t find it?

    Here in the conservative East Coast, I can’t even find jicama!

    1. Just Googling: They’re kinda funny looking to me. The end looks like an old person who wears false teeth but took their teeth out! LOL Most grocery stores have them. Walmart has them individually plastic wrapped where I shop.

      I know some people sub zucchini for apples in pies and cobblers. When you use zucchini, take a spoon and scrap out the soft seed center, like you would a cucumber, and cut the peeled flesh into half moon slices. That way it kinda looks like apple slices!

  3. Debbie, feel free to sub in YOUR favorite pie crust that works for your eating plan. 🙂

    I follow Atkins and design my recipes pretty much for ingredients those folks are allowed to eat. Many Atkins followers chose to eschew certain program-allowed foods, like soy and wheat, for various reasons, as they should. But Atkins community members asked me to start this website for them and I try really hard to tailor it specifically for their way of eating. I, too, may not eat certain ingredients, such as soy, but my husband refuses to eat 100% Atkins, or wheat free, so wheat/grain free of a Paleo style of eating just will never happen. I haven’t won him over to 100% low-carb in 2½ years and may never succed in that task. So I at least try to come up with baked goods and desserts with minimal “not so great” ingredients that he has been willing to eat. This apple dessert, he said tonight, is my best low-carb dessert to date. Even with some perhaps less-healthy ingredients, the amounts are minimal and these desserts are far healthier than the ones he USED to eat. A step in the right direction, albeit a small one. 🙂

    1. Buttoni, you are the best. Thank you so much for sharing your WONDERFUL recipes through the years. I’ll have to try this, if on your husband’s word it’s really better than your perfectly-spiced, moist, low-carb pumpkin pie– my current favorite. Just wanted to stop by and give you my heartfelt thanks. Hugs — MimiDiet

      1. You are so sweet, Mimi. Thank you for those kind words. Good food is meant to be shared. That effort is even more rewarded to me when those shared recipes are truly loved and appreciated, to eventually be shared with an even larger circle of family and friends. It’s the only reason I do this. I accepted no payment for my participation in the Low Carbing Among Friends cookbooks, nor was I willing to affiliate with Amazon, Netrition, Low-Carb Foods when they approached me. Any advertising on my site is forced on me by Worwdpress because I use a basic free account there. Just not what I want, need or why I maintain the blog. Mind you, I don’t think ill of those that ARE into food blogging for profit, but that’s just not my schtick. 🙂 Happy cooking to you in 2022, Mimi!

  4. These look really yummy. Darn, I get all excited about your recipes and then see the crust is made with CarbQuik which contains all sorts of ingredients I can’t or won’t touch with a 10-foot-pole, and I’m back to the drawing board.

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