Barbecue Sauce

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BBQ Sauce

I tried my hand at a homemade, Texas-style tomato-based BBQ sauce today.  I just got a new order of grass-fed beef from my panhandle supplier in which I had a lovely 3½ lb. rack of beef back ribs.  Hubby didn’t really feel like cooking outside tonight, so I just did the ribs in my roaster oven on the patio to avoid heating up the kitchen. Texas is so hot this time of year.  The ribs were actually frozen solid when they went into my roaster oven, set at 250º.  I put them on at 9am and they were falling-off-the-bones tender by 2pm.  I really wasn’t sure how long they would take, as I’d never cooked grass-fed ribs before, and grass-fed meat usually takes much longer to get tender than other beef.  I will just warm them up at dinner tonight with my side dishes.

This sauce was so good on the oven-baked version, but it is even better on outdoor charcoal-grilled ribs.  The charring caramelizes and smokes the applesauce in this delicious, slightly sweet sauce.  🙂  This sauce is good on beef, lamb, pork and for BBQ chicken as well.

This sauce is suitable once you reach Atkins Phase 2 OWL and Keto diets but not for Primal-Paleo unless you use real honey and real maple syrup.

More delicious low-carb recipes can be at your fingertips with your very own set of Jennifer Eloff and friends’ best-selling cookbooks LOW CARBING AMONG FRIENDS.  She has collaborated with famous low-carb Chef George Stella and several other talented chefs to bring you a wealth of delicious recipes you are going to want to try.  Even a few of my recipes are in her cookbooks! Order your 5-volume set TODAY! (available individually) from Amazon or:

DISCLAIMER: I do not get paid for this book promotion or for the inclusion of my recipes therein.  I do so merely because they are GREAT cookbooks any low-carb cook would be proud to add to their cookbook collection.


1 c. stale coffee

½ c. apple cider vinegar

1 T. Worcestershire sauce

1 T. coconut aminos (or low-sodium soy sauce)

2 T. sugar-free maple syrup

2 T. sugar-free honey

2 tsp. liquid smoke  (I use American Spice brand “Amish Meadow”)

4 oz. unsweetened applesauce (omit if still on Induction)

¼ tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. chili powder of your choice (I use Chipotle, which is pretty HOT!)

1 tsp. paprika (I use smoky Spanish paprika from Penzey’s)

1 tsp. onion powder

¼ tsp. cumin

3 cloves minced garlic

4 oz. onion

6 oz. tomato paste

¼ c. butter or ghee

DIRECTIONS:  Measure out all ingredients but the butter into a food processor or blender.  Puree until the garlic and onion are completely smooth. Scrape it all into a large saucepan, add the butter and bring it to a boil.  Lower heat very low and simmer 10-15 minutes.  Baste your meat as usual as you grill it outside.  If roasting your meat in the oven I recommend covering with foil until the last hour or so and add the sauce the last hour of cooking, when you should remove the foil.

NUTRITIONAL INFO:  Makes around 2 cups.  Each tablespoon contains:

24 calories

1.5 g  fat

2.25 g  carbs, .46 g  fiber, 1.79 g  NET CARBS

49 mg sodium

77 mg potassium

8 thoughts on “Barbecue Sauce

  1. This sounds very nice, Peggy. Have you ever tried La Chinata Smoked Paprika? It is absolutely my favorite smoked paprika. It comes in sweet, bittersweet and hot. I haven’t found it in stores in DFW but buy it from Amazon.

    1. Thank you, Richard. And thanks for the paprika recommendation. I’ve not tried or seen it. Will have to GET some and give it a go! Thanks again!!

  2. The recipe mentions tomato and butter, yet neither is listed as an ingredient. I’d love to give this a try once the recipe has been adjusted for those ingredients.

    1. Thanks for catching that mistake. Those darn “senior moments” get closer and closer together these days. I have corrected the recipe now. Just add 1/4 c. butter and 6 oz. tomato paste to your printed copy. I hope you like it when you make it up. It it just a bit sweet; just a bit tart, which is how we like BBQ sauce.

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