Pineapple-Pecan Cookies


I made some delicious pineapple cookies recently.  They came out kind of chewy and are still like that after they cooled off.  I’m very pleased with the moist, chewy texture of these cookies and will likely use this cookie dough for many cookie variations in the future.  These freeze well and are even chewier eaten right out of the freezer!!  These are not suitable until the advanced fruit rung of the Atkins OWL ladder, or near Pre-Maintenance.  But they are so good, they are well worth waiting for.


2 c. almond flour

½ c. coconut flour

1 T. oat fiber

1 tsp. glucomannan powder (konjac powder)

1/8 tsp. salt

½ tsp. baking soda

½ c. butter, softened (or coconut oil)

2 T. almond butter

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1½ tsp. pineapple extract

½ c. granular Splenda

1 T. erythritol

1 egg, beaten

¼ c. sugar-free imitation honey (I make my own to save money, see below)

½ c. juice pack crushed pineapple (water pack if available), drained well

½ c. chopped pecans

DIRECTIONS:  Preheat oven to 350º.  Measure out all wet ingredients including the pineapple into a large mixing bowl.  Beat well with a fork until smooth.  Measure out all dry ingredients, including the nuts, on top of the wet and stir well to blend.  The dough will be moderately stiff.  Roll into 1″ balls and place them onto parchment lined baking sheet.  Press balls down slightly flat and try to leave 1″ between cookies.  Pop pan into preheated oven.  Bake for about 8-10 minutes.  Do not overbrown these cookies or texture will be drier and less chewy.  Remove from oven and cool completely on the pan before attempting to remove with a spatula.  These are delicate while hot but “firm up” nicely when they cool. Store in an airtight container.  I store mine in the freezer and eat them without even defrosting!

NUTRITIONAL INFO:   Makes 30 cookies, each contains:

110 cals, 9.79 g  fat, 4.55 g  carbs, 2.07 g  fiber, 2.48 g  NET CARBS, 2.55 g  protein, 45 mg sodium

HOMEMADE IMITATION HONEY: Modified slightly from a recipe of Birgit Kerr on  Boil for 2-3 minutes ¼ c. erythritol, 1 tsp. honey, 2 T. imitation honey and 1 pkt. stevia or Splenda.  Cool and put in airtight jar.  If it crystalises over time, soften in microwave on defrost a minute before using.

9 thoughts on “Pineapple-Pecan Cookies

  1. Hi, Peggy! I have two questions. Several years ago you had a basic cookie recipe that could be changed up in different ways. I loved that recipe and had made a cookie we loved using black walnuts but I can’t seem to find it anymore. Could you refresh my memory as to where to find that on your website? And, I had corresponded with Jennifer Eloff several years ago she had sent me a copy of one of her books about her life in South Africa. I have an idea I would like to present to her but I cannot find our old emails and can’t find a way on her website to write to her. Can you possibly help me with that?

    1. Hi, Barbara. Yes, that recipe you are looking for is my Almond Butter Cookie recipe: Very versatile recipe indeed. 🙂 Regarding Jennifer, I hesitate to give out her email address, but I think you can Private Message her on Facebook clicking the message button on her profile page: If you don’t have a Facebook account, let me know your email address and I could ask her to email you.

      1. Hi again. Thanks for your speedy response and for reminding me of which recipe I was looking for. Regarding Jennifer, I completely understand your reluctance to give her email address. I would be grateful if you would ask her to email me. I think she will remember me because we corresponded several times and she shared interesting things about her early years in South Africa. I just have an idea that I think will be valuable for her and I am not wanting anything from her at all. I would just like to pass along the suggestion in case she would be interested.

        Thank you for your help.

        P.S. I used to be your “neighbor”. I lived in Plano for many years. We have now retired to Florida.

      2. I’ll be happy to, but I am not able to see my followers’ email addresses. If you can provide that in your reply (with some extra spaces so spam bots can’t read it), I’ll let her know you’re trying to reach her. My brother-in-law lives in Plano; my sister-in-law used to but moved to Garland. Small world!

      3. Peggy,

        Your reply went into my junk file and I just now found it. My email address is lildixie @

        I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you meant about leaving extra spaces to avoid spambots. I have put some spaces in my email address but of course they aren’t really there.

        Thanks again. Please be safe! We need you.

        Warm regards,

      4. Barbara, internet hackers love to “steal” email addresses. They have ways to scan web pages with electronic scripts (like robots with eyes), recognize email formats and steal the addy to use for nefarious uses so they can’t be tracked by authorities or internet service providers to be shut down. They also “sell” them to cyber criminals on-line for similar criminal, or at the very least, unethical purposes, to broadcast email their spam to millions on the web, inundating the bandwidth of servers around the world, slowing us all down on the web in the process, not to mention their other agenda or gaining perhaps your personal data for illicit financial activity. I always insert spaces when/if I find emails to protect my users.

  2. These cookies look and sound really tasty. Approx how large are these cookies? They look large. I would appreciate knowing the dimension. Thanks for all your hard work and sharing your recipes.

    1. They cook up to be about 2″ across, Dee. I have a number of other cookie recipes using this basic dough recipe and they have all cooked up about that size. So they’re not real tiny, but not huge either. what I call jussst right. 🙂

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