Einkorn Dinner Rolls

Einkorn Dinner Rolls (2)

These are my best dinner roll recipe to date without all the cheese in them!  Soft inside; slightly chewy crust and a marvelous flavor.  And they rise up nicer than any low carb rolls I’ve made so far!  You can bake this dough in a loaf pan for slicing bread also.

My husband even liked this bread, and he’s real hard to please when it comes to bread.  These have a nice mouth feel one finds in good traditional yeast bread, not the typical coarse, dense crumb of low-carb breads.  I even included some dissolved yeast for that added flavor.

These make very nice sliders, too.  Here’s a close-up on the smooth texture:

I order my non-GMO Einkorn flour direct from Jovial Foods.  Some have found it at Safeway and other stores, but I’ve not been so fortunate.  Einkorn is real, ancient wheat, that has not been hybridized.  I use only the tiniest amounts in the occasional baked goods recipes.  It brings so much texture and flavor for little carbs if used sparingly to enhance alternate flours.  This recipe is not suitable until you are near goal weight (Pre-Maintenance).

VARIATION:   Sprinkle some of my 8-Seed Blend or Everything Bagel seasoning on tops of rolls before baking:


½ c. almond flour

2 T. Einkorn flour

½ c. egg white protein powder (I use NOW brand)

2 T. oat fiber

2 T. coconut flour

1 T. baking powder

2 T. golden flax meal (dark flax or a mixture can be used for a darker, nuttier-tasting bread)

¼ tsp. sea salt

3 T. psyllium husk powder (I use NOW brand)


1 tsp. dry yeast dissolved in 2 T. warm water + pinch sugar (consumed by yeast)

5 large eggs, beaten

3 T. olive oil

¼ c. egg whites (I used the ones in a carton)

½ c. tap water, boiling (added last per directions)

DIRECTIONS:  Preheat oven to 350º.  Grease or oil a standard muffin tin and set aside.    Dissolve yeast in 2 T. warm water and add a tiny pinch sugar.  Set aside.  In a large mixing bowl, measure out all dry ingredients.  Stir well.  In another medium bowl, add the first 5 wet ingredients (all but the boiling water) and beat with a fork.  Add the dissolved yeast mixture to the wet ingredients and stir with fork.   Now add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and beat well using a rubber spatula. Slowly add the boiling water to the batter and stir to blend. Batter will be lumpy.  Now, using a whisk, beat until batter is smoother (about 15 times is all it should take).  Spoon batter into greased muffin tin cups 3/4 full evenly distributing the batter as best you can.  I actually used a silicone muffin pan.  Bake at 350º for around 30 minutes, but check them at 20 minutes as ovens vary. If not firm and dry to touch on tops, cook 5 or so minutes longer.  Remove from oven and in a few minutes, lift out with knife tip or tip onto board to finish cooling.  Serve warm.

NUTRITIONAL INFO:   Makes 12 dinner rolls, each contains:

123 cals, 8.56g fat, 6.53g carbs, 3.93g fiber, 2.6g NET CARBS, 4.85g protein, 222 mg sodium

8 thoughts on “Einkorn Dinner Rolls

  1. Could I make a loaf of bread out of this recipe instead of making muffins / rolls? (The recipe looks GREAT!) I will be ordering the items I need from Netrition. Do you know of a less expensive source? Thank you for all the amazing recipes!

  2. Is there any substitute for the einkorn flour….I live on an island and its hard to get ingredients sometimes. Thanks

    1. You can order a bag from Jovialfoods.com for around $3.99. If used sparingly like I do in recipes, a bag will last you for ages and ages. Will arrive in about a week or so. That said, it is real flour, but a primitive, non-gmo and lower carb variety of flour. So you could sub in real flour, but at a cost of much higher carbs. You could try using 1 more T. almond flour and 1 T. more oat fiber. I make no guarantee on your results. Breads are not a recipe I like to be making substitutions in. Results can be very unpredictable with our low-carb Non-flours. They aren’t like using traditional ingredients at all.

    1. Well, technically, 2 T. of the powder stirred into 2T. water = 2 egg whites. Based on that formula, you could try 4 real egg whites. But I would have no idea how much less liquid you might need. By that formula, I don’t have enough water in this recipe to reconstitute that much powder into liquid egg whites anyway! So I’m doubtful subbing will come out exactly like my rolls. I would add your water slowly and stop when the batter is quite thick. If you dump the water in all at one time it is probably going to be too much. I can make no guarantees how yours will bake with this substitution. If you try it, I’d love to hear back on your results, Diane. Bread baking is tricky and especially low-carb bread where the ingredients are so wacky and require such a delicate, precise balance to get anything that even resembles real bread.

    1. I honestly don’t know, Cheryl. Might, might not. Since one is pure eggwhite (with elastic qualities) and the other is simply a milk product, that loss of elasticity might have a negative impact. But I have used WPP in breads successfully. So you’d just have to experiment and see.

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